Nallappan, S.; Lapinskaite, R.; Hájíček, J.; Kunák, D.; Čambal, P.; Nečas, D.; Císařová, I.; Atalay, H. Nazlican; Tumer, T. Boyunegmez; Tarábek, J.; et al. The Biomimetic Synthesis of Polyarylated Fluorenes, Relevant to Selaginellaceae Polyphenols, Leading to the Spontaneous Formation of Stable Radicals.
ChemPlusChem 2024,
89 (4).
Lapinskaite, R.; Atalay, H. Nazlican; Malatinec, Š.; Dönmez, S.; Cinar, Z. Özlem; Schwarz, P. F.; Perhal, A. F.; Císařová, I.; Labanauskas, L.; Karpiński, T. M.; et al. Synthesis of Selagibenzophenone A and Its Derivatives for Evaluation of Their Antiproliferative, ROR gamma Inverse Agonistic, and Antimicrobial Effect.
ChemistrySelect 2023,
8 (7).
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