Assist. Prof. Dr. Eliška Matoušová
Department of Organic Chemistry
Charles University
Faculty of Science
Hlavova 8, 128 00 Praha 2
Curriculum Vitae
2016 - present Assistant Professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University
(with Professor Martin Kotora)
(with Professor Martin Banwell)
(supervisor Professor Milan Pour)
2002 - 2007 MSc study at Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University
Research interests
Organic synthesis, natural product synthesis, medicinal chemistry, transition metal catalysis (especially Pd, Au, Ru, Rh), asymmetric synthesis.
2020 Award for the best teacher in courses of chemistry "Studentský velemlok" (Faculty of Science, Charles University)
2018 Thieme Chemistry Journals Award
2017 The Dean's Award for a young academic (Faculty of Science, Charles University)
2011 Professor Červinka Award for the best communication (Conference “Liblice 2011”, Lázně Bělohrad, Czech Republic)