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Kocek, H.; Chalupská, D.; Dejmek, M.; Dvořáková, A.; Zgarbová, M.; Šála, M.; Chalupský, K.; Krafčíková, P.; Otava, T.; Drexler, M.; et al. Discovery of highly potent SARS-CoV-2 nsp14 methyltransferase inhibitors based on adenosine 5′-carboxamides. RSC Medicinal Chemistry 2024, nestránkováno.
Nomura, K.; Mancuso, R.; Cai, Z.; Dagorne, S.; Eisen, M. S.; Gonsalvi, L.; Kotora, M.; Lee, B. Yeoul; Liu, S.; Martins, L. Margarida; et al. Exclusive Papers of the Editorial Board Members and Topical Advisory Panel Members of Catalysts in Section "Catalysis in Organic and Polymer Chemistry". Catalysts 2024, 14 (7).
Brunderová, M.; Havlíček, V.; Matyašovský, J.; Pohl, R.; Slavětínská, L. Poštová; Krömer, M.; Hocek, M. Expedient production of site specifically nucleobase-labelled or hypermodified RNA with engineered thermophilic DNA polymerases (vol 15, 3054, 2023). Nature Communications 2024, 15 (1).
Brunderová, M.; Havlíček, V.; Matyašovský, J.; Pohl, R.; Slavětínská, L. Poštová; Krömer, M.; Hocek, M. Expedient production of site specifically nucleobase-labelled or hypermodified RNA with engineered thermophilic DNA polymerases. Nature Communications 2024, 15 (1).
Sternberg, U.; Tichotová, M. Christou; Tučková, L.; Ešnerová, A.; Hanuš, J.; Baszczyňski, O.; Procházková, E. Extending molecular dynamics with dipolar NMR tensors as constraints to chiral phosphorus compounds. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2024, 26 (31), 20814-20819.
Czajka, K.; Krochmalny, K.; Kisiela-Czajka, A.; Ostrycharczyk, M.; Czerep, M.; Tkaczuk-Serafin, M.; Baranowski, M.; Niedźwiecki, Ł.; Halina, P. - K.; Kamila, J.; et al. Investigating the potential of a waste-derived additive for enhancing coal combustion efficiency and environmental sustainability in a circular economy. Energy 2024, 295 (May).
Hadzima, M.; Faucher, F. F.; Blažková, K.; Yim, J. J.; Guerra, M.; Chen, S.; Woods, E. C.; Park, K. Wan; Šácha, P.; Šubr, V.; et al. Polymer-Tethered Quenched Fluorescent Probes for Enhanced Imaging of Tumor-Associated Proteases. ACS Sensors 2024, 9 (7), 3720-3729.
Dočekal, V.; Melaimi, M.; Petrželová, S.; Veselý, J.; Yan, X.; Bertrand, G. Synthesis of enantiopure 1,2,3-triazolylidene-type mesoionic carbene (MIC) conjugate acids featuring a rigid bicyclic scaffold. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2024, 11 (8), 2178-2181.
Vopálenská, A.; Dočekal, V.; Petrželová, S.; Císařová, I.; Veselý, J. Access to Spirooxindole-Fused Cyclopentanes via a Stereoselective Organocascade Reaction Using Bifunctional Catalysis. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2023, 88 (12), 7724-7735.
Ulč, J.; Jacko, J.; Císařová, I.; Pospíšil, L.; Nečas, D.; Kotora, M. Catalytic C−C/C−H Bond Activation Relay for Synthesis of Fluorescent Naphthoquinolizinium Salts. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2023, 26 (18).
Prener, L.; Baszczyňski, O.; Kaiser, M. Maxmilian; Dračínský, M.; Stepan, G.; Lee, Y. - J.; Brumshtein, B.; Yu, H.; Jansa, P.; Lansdon, E. B.; et al. Design and Synthesis of Novel HIV-1 NNRTIs with Bicyclic Cores and with Improved Physicochemical Properties. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023, 66 (3), 1761-1777.
Skácel, J.; Djukic, S.; Baszczyňski, O.; Kalčic, F.; Bílek, T.; Chalupský, K.; Kozák, J.; Dvořáková, A.; Tloušťová, E.; Kráľová, Z.; et al. Design, Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and Crystallographic Study of Novel Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase Inhibitors. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023, 66 (10), 6652-6681.
Skácel, J.; Djukic, S.; Baszczyňski, O.; Kalčic, F.; Bílek, T.; Chalupský, K.; Kozák, J.; Dvořáková, A.; Tloušťová, E.; Kráľová, Z.; et al. Design, Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and Crystallographic Study of Novel Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase Inhibitors. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023, 66 (10), 6652-6681.
Novotná, K.; Tenora, L.; Prchalová, E.; Paule, J.; Alt, J.; Veeravalli, V.; Lam, J.; Wu, Y.; Šnajdr, I.; Gori, S.; et al. Discovery of tert-Butyl Ester Based 6-Diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine Prodrugs for Enhanced Metabolic Stability and Tumor Delivery. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023, 66 (22), 15493-15510.
Novotná, K.; Tenora, L.; Prchalová, E.; Paule, J.; Alt, J.; Veeravalli, V.; Lam, J.; Wu, Y.; Šnajdr, I.; Gori, S.; et al. Discovery of tert-Butyl Ester Based 6-Diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine Prodrugs for Enhanced Metabolic Stability and Tumor Delivery. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023, 66 (22), 15493-15510.
Spampinato, A.; Kužmová, E.; Pohl, R.; Sýkorová, V.; Vrábel, M.; Kraus, T.; Hocek, M. trans-Cyclooctene- and Bicyclononyne-Linked Nucleotides for Click Modification of DNA with Fluorogenic Tetrazines and Live Cell Metabolic Labeling and Imaging. Bioconjugate Chemistry 2023, 34 (4), 772-780.
Kodr, D.; Kužmová, E.; Pohl, R.; Kraus, T.; Hocek, M. Lipid-linked nucleoside triphosphates for enzymatic synthesis of hydrophobic oligonucleotides with enhanced membrane anchoring efficiency. Chemical Science 2023, 14 (15), 4059-4069.
Novotná, K.; Thomas, A. G.; Štěpánek, O.; Murphy, B.; Hin, N.; Skácel, J.; Mueller, L.; Tenora, L.; Pal, A.; Alt, J.; et al. Neutral sphingomyelinase 2 inhibitors based on the pyrazolo[1,5-a] scaffold. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023, 259 (November).
Novotná, K.; Thomas, A. G.; Štěpánek, O.; Murphy, B.; Hin, N.; Skácel, J.; Mueller, L.; Tenora, L.; Pal, A.; Alt, J.; et al. Neutral sphingomyelinase 2 inhibitors based on the pyrazolo[1,5-a] scaffold. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023, 259 (November).
Kuba, M.; Pohl, R.; Kraus, T.; Hocek, M. Nucleotides Bearing Red Viscosity-Sensitive Dimethoxy-Bodipy Fluorophore for Enzymatic Incorporation and DNA Labeling. Bioconjugate Chemistry 2023, 34 (1), 133-139.
Antal, R.; Staś, M.; Perdomo, S. M.; Štemberová, M.; Brůža, Z.; Matouš, P.; Kratochvíl, J.; Růžička, A.; Rulíšek, L.; Kuneš, J.; et al. Synthesis of highly polarized [3]dendralenes and their Diels-Alder reactions. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2023, 10 (22), 5568-5578.
Antal, R.; Staś, M.; Perdomo, S. M.; Štemberová, M.; Brůža, Z.; Matouš, P.; Kratochvíl, J.; Růžička, A.; Rulíšek, L.; Kuneš, J.; et al. Synthesis of highly polarized [3]dendralenes and their Diels-Alder reactions. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2023, 10 (22), 5568-5578.
Lapinskaite, R.; Atalay, H. Nazlican; Malatinec, Š.; Dönmez, S.; Cinar, Z. Özlem; Schwarz, P. F.; Perhal, A. F.; Císařová, I.; Labanauskas, L.; Karpiński, T. M.; et al. Synthesis of Selagibenzophenone A and Its Derivatives for Evaluation of Their Antiproliferative, ROR gamma Inverse Agonistic, and Antimicrobial Effect. ChemistrySelect 2023, 8 (7).
Dejmek, M.; Brázdová, A.; Otava, T.; Polidarová, M. Pimková; Klíma, M.; Smola, M.; Vavřina, Z.; Buděšínský, M.; Dračínský, M.; Liboska, R.; et al. Vinylphosphonate-based cyclic dinucleotides enhance STING-mediated cancer immunotherapy. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023, 259 (November).
Díaz-Holguín, A.; Rashidian, A.; Pijnenburg, D.; Ferreira, G. Monteiro; Štefela, A.; Kašpar, M.; Kudová, E.; Poso, A.; van Beuningen, R.; Pávek, P.; et al. When Two Become One: Conformational Changes in FXR/RXR Heterodimers Bound to Steroidal Antagonists. ChemMedChem 2023, 18 (4).
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