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Nallappan, S.; Lapinskaite, R.; Hájíček, J.; Kunák, D.; Čambal, P.; Nečas, D.; Císařová, I.; Atalay, H. Nazlican; Tumer, T. Boyunegmez; Tarábek, J.; et al. The Biomimetic Synthesis of Polyarylated Fluorenes, Relevant to Selaginellaceae Polyphenols, Leading to the Spontaneous Formation of Stable Radicals. ChemPlusChem 2024, 89 (4).
Nallappan, S.; Lapinskaite, R.; Hájíček, J.; Kunák, D.; Čambal, P.; Nečas, D.; Císařová, I.; Atalay, H. Nazlican; Tumer, T. Boyunegmez; Tarábek, J.; et al. The Biomimetic Synthesis of Polyarylated Fluorenes, Relevant to Selaginellaceae Polyphenols, Leading to the Spontaneous Formation of Stable Radicals. ChemPlusChem 2024, 89 (4).
Arbon, D.; Mach, J.; Čadková, A.; Šipková, A.; Stursa, J.; Klanicová, K.; Machado, M.; Ganter, M.; Levytska, V.; Sojka, D.; et al. Chelation of Mitochondrial Iron as an Antiparasitic Strategy. ACS Infectious Diseases 2024, 10 (2), 676-687.
Misehe, M.; Šála, M.; Matoušová, M.; Hercík, K.; Kocek, H.; Chalupská, D.; Chaloupecká, E.; Hájek, M.; Bouřa, E.; Mertlíková-Kaiserová, H.; et al. Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel thieno[2,3d]pyrimidine derivatives as potent and specific RIPK2 inhibitors. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2024, 97 (1 January 2024).
Misehe, M.; Šála, M.; Matoušová, M.; Hercík, K.; Kocek, H.; Chalupská, D.; Chaloupecká, E.; Hájek, M.; Bouřa, E.; Mertlíková-Kaiserová, H.; et al. Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel thieno[2,3d]pyrimidine derivatives as potent and specific RIPK2 inhibitors. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2024, 97 (1 January 2024).
Kocek, H.; Chalupská, D.; Dejmek, M.; Dvořáková, A.; Zgarbová, M.; Šála, M.; Chalupský, K.; Krafčíková, P.; Otava, T.; Drexler, M.; et al. Discovery of highly potent SARS-CoV-2 nsp14 methyltransferase inhibitors based on adenosine 5′-carboxamides. RSC Medicinal Chemistry 2024, nestránkováno.
Kocek, H.; Chalupská, D.; Dejmek, M.; Dvořáková, A.; Zgarbová, M.; Šála, M.; Chalupský, K.; Krafčíková, P.; Otava, T.; Drexler, M.; et al. Discovery of highly potent SARS-CoV-2 nsp14 methyltransferase inhibitors based on adenosine 5′-carboxamides. RSC Medicinal Chemistry 2024, nestránkováno.
Veselý, O.; Živný, M.; Nigríni, M.; Veselý, J.; Čejka, J. The effect of the active site and substrate structure in preparation of substituted tetrahydropyrans via intramolecular cyclization. Catalysis Today 2024, 429 (March).
Franc, M.; Císařová, I.; Veselý, J. Enantioselective synthesis of spiroimidazolones by synergistic catalysis. Catalysis Today 2024, 428 (February).
Nomura, K.; Mancuso, R.; Cai, Z.; Dagorne, S.; Eisen, M. S.; Gonsalvi, L.; Kotora, M.; Lee, B. Yeoul; Liu, S.; Martins, L. Margarida; et al. Exclusive Papers of the Editorial Board Members and Topical Advisory Panel Members of Catalysts in Section "Catalysis in Organic and Polymer Chemistry". Catalysts 2024, 14 (7).
Chaloupecká, E.; Kurfirt, M.; Stastna, L. Cervenkova; Karban, J.; Dračínský, M. Exploring long-range fluorine-carbon J-coupling for conformational analysis of deoxyfluorinated disaccharides: A combined computational and NMR study. Bioorganic Chemistry 2024, 147 (JUN 2024).
Nallappan, S.; Kucherak, O.; Kiss, A.; Lapinskaite, R.; Císařová, I.; Rýček, L. Internal 2D networking of silver bromide with a bidentate N-heterocyclic carbene ligand enables the formation of an inherently heterogeneous reusable catalyst for multicomponent A3 coupling. New Journal of Chemistry 2024, 48 (28), 12800-12806.
Czajka, K.; Krochmalny, K.; Kisiela-Czajka, A.; Ostrycharczyk, M.; Czerep, M.; Tkaczuk-Serafin, M.; Baranowski, M.; Niedźwiecki, Ł.; Halina, P. - K.; Kamila, J.; et al. Investigating the potential of a waste-derived additive for enhancing coal combustion efficiency and environmental sustainability in a circular economy. Energy 2024, 295 (May).
Czajka, K.; Krochmalny, K.; Kisiela-Czajka, A.; Ostrycharczyk, M.; Czerep, M.; Tkaczuk-Serafin, M.; Baranowski, M.; Niedźwiecki, Ł.; Halina, P. - K.; Kamila, J.; et al. Investigating the potential of a waste-derived additive for enhancing coal combustion efficiency and environmental sustainability in a circular economy. Energy 2024, 295 (May).
Czajka, K.; Krochmalny, K.; Kisiela-Czajka, A.; Ostrycharczyk, M.; Czerep, M.; Tkaczuk-Serafin, M.; Baranowski, M.; Niedźwiecki, Ł.; Halina, P. - K.; Kamila, J.; et al. Investigating the potential of a waste-derived additive for enhancing coal combustion efficiency and environmental sustainability in a circular economy. Energy 2024, 295 (May).
Chaloupecká, E.; Tyrpekl, V.; Bártová, K.; Nishiyama, Y.; Dračínský, M. NMR crystallography of amino acids. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2024, 130 (April).
Dočekal, V.; Koucký, F.; Císařová, I.; Veselý, J. Organocatalytic desymmetrization provides access to planar chiral [2.2]paracyclophanes. Nature Communications 2024, 15 (1).
Jansa, P.; Císařová, I.; Matoušová, E. Oxidative Cleavage and Ring Reconstruction for the Synthesis of Amaryllidaceae Alkaloid Analogues. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2024, 27 (3).
Hadzima, M.; Faucher, F. F.; Blažková, K.; Yim, J. J.; Guerra, M.; Chen, S.; Woods, E. C.; Park, K. Wan; Šácha, P.; Šubr, V.; et al. Polymer-Tethered Quenched Fluorescent Probes for Enhanced Imaging of Tumor-Associated Proteases. ACS Sensors 2024, 9 (7), 3720-3729.
Lebedinskiy, K.; Barvík, I.; Tošner, Z.; Císařová, I.; Jindřich, J.; Hrdina, R. Spatial arrangements of cyclodextrin host–guest complexes in solution studied by 13C NMR and molecular modelling. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 2024, 20 (February), 331-335.
Osifová, Z.; Kalvoda, T.; Galgonek, J.; Culka, M.; Vondrášek, J.; Bouř, P.; Bednárová, L.; Andrushchenko, V.; Dračínský, M.; Rulíšek, L. What are the minimal folding seeds in proteins? Experimental and theoretical assessment of secondary structure propensities of small peptide fragments. Chemical Science 2024, 15 (2), 594-608.
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