Separation of cyclodextrins and their derivatives by thin-layer and preparative column chromatography

TitleSeparation of cyclodextrins and their derivatives by thin-layer and preparative column chromatography
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsJindrich J, Pitha J, Lindberg B
JournalCarbohydrate Research
Pagination1 - 7
Date Published1995/09/15/
ISBN Number0008-6215
AbstractCyclodextrins, their derivatives and products of their partial hydrolysis are clearly separated by chromatography on silica gel by mobile phases containing aqueous ammonia and organic solvent (acetonitrile or 1-propanol). This system allows separation of compounds with different numbers of substituents on cyclodextrin, but does not allow the separation of isomers; the system can be used both for thin-layer chromatography and for preparative column chromatography. The isomers in the fraction thus obtained can be in some cases separated, after peracetylation, by chromatography on silica gel using a mobile phase consisting of methanol and dichloromethane. This chromatographic sequence potentially yields derivatives of cyclodextrins in quantities which enable evaluation of their solubilization and biological properties.
Short TitleCarbohydr. Res.
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